Poland, East Germany & World War II
About Poland
This is the perfect vacation for those who are interested in World War II, historical Poland, and the concentration camps that are living memorials of those days. Start in Warsaw and see the city before and after wartime destruction during a moving film in the Historical Museum. Next, visit Jasna Góra, the monastery near Czestochowa, to admire the Black Madonna, the country’s national symbol, on your way to Krakow, where a special visit to the Oskar Schindler Factory, made famous in the movie Schindler’s List, is included. Visit what is left of the Auschwitz concentration camp, and in Wroclaw, admire the cathedral and the market square. Continue to Dresden, badly damaged during the war but now restored to its baroque splendor, and visit the courtyard of Zwinger Palace during your guided walking tour. Also enjoy a special dinner with local specialties in the well-known Am Pulverturm restaurant. Stop in Meissen. to visit the porcelain factory; in Torgau, to see the monument commemorating the meeting of US and Soviet forces during World War II; in Leipzig, to visit the Thomaskirche; and in Weimar, to visit the Herder Church. Also visit former Buchenwald concentration camp on your way to Erfurt. In Nuremberg, visit Zeppelin Field, the impressive Documentation Center, and taste the traditional Nürnberger Bratwürste, before arriving in Munich, where you will visit the former Dachau concentration camp. Enjoy a farewell dinner with your traveling companions to share your feelings after this exciting and emotional encounter with World War II.
City Highlights
WARSAW Welcome dinner with wine at a local restaurant; guided sightseeing, visit St. John’s cathedral and the historical museumCZESTOCHOWA Visit the monastery of Jasna Góra and the Black MadonnaKRAKOW Guided sightseeing, visit St. Mary’s Church; guided visit [LF] of the Oskar Schindler FactoryAUSCHWITZ Visit the site of the former concentration campWROCLAW Guided sightseeing, visit the cathedral and market squareDRESDEN Guided walking tour, visit the Zwinger Palace Courtyard; [LF] dinner with wine at a local restaurantMEISSEN Visit the porcelain factoryTORGAU [LF] See the monument commemorating the meeting of US and Soviet forces; visit the courtyard of Hartenfels CastleLEIPZIG Guided walking tour including Bach’s Thomaskirche and museumBUCHENWALD Visit the site of the former concentration campWEIMAR Visit Herder ChurchERFURT OrientationNUREMBERG Walking tour, visit the Market Square, [LF] taste Nürnberger Bratwürste; visit Zeppelin Field and the Documentation CenterMUNICH Visit Marienplatz; farewell dinnerDACHAU Visit the site of the former concentration campHeadsets throughout the tour
WARSAW Hilton (D)KRAKOW Holiday Inn Krakow (SF)WROCLAW Sofitel Old Town (D)DRESDEN Swissôtel am Schloss (SF)LEIPZIG The Westin Leipzig (SF)ERFURT Radisson Blu (F)MUNICH Sheraton Munich Westpark (F)
Full buffet breakfast (B) daily; 7 three-course dinners (D), including a special welcome dinner in Warsaw, a special dinner in Dresden, and a farewell dinner in Munich
NOTE:Please check visa requirements with your local consulate(s); responsibility for obtaining visas rests with the traveler.
Motorcoach with free Wi-Fi